We Will Help You With The Entire Custom Process
There are many things that set us apart from traditional builders. From finding the perfect building lot or using your lot, we are here to help you. We will work with you as your ‘’General’’, a sort of ‘’Quarterback’’ type position that guides all of the team players. The Real Estate Agents, Architect, Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Tradesmen, Suppliers, Government agencies,
all need guidance towards accomplishing the goal.
The basic fact is this:
You will need someone to help you, to guide you into the right decisions, and to manage the various team players, or you will definitely end up spending much more time and money than you ever bargained for. We put ourselves on the same side of the table as our owners and we have eliminated the typical struggles that traditional builders seem to have with their owners. Our way of building custom projects is very ‘’Transparent’’ and we don’t have trust issues with our owners.
Finding The Right Building Lot
The Proper Research Is Important
Liberty has the needed experience and various tools at our disposal to help you find the right building lot, or to evaluate the one you already own. It’s important to find the right lot in the area where you need to be, with the right attributes for your project. We have relationships with the right people to give you the best advice. Many smart college educated people have purchased building lots with out doing the proper research.
You deserve to know what your dealing with, and the value of the land you are considering. There are many issues to consider as the various permitting agencies are very strict as to what is permissible. Every jurisdiction has regulations that restrict the amount of land you can disturb and how big the house foot print can be. Many people find out all too late that their dream home can not be built due to government restrictions.
The Entire Project Needs To Be Designed
Designing The House Is Not The Only Concern
Many people do not understand that there are different elements to be designed that all come together to make up a custom home project. Its not just about the house blueprints. There are various other plans to be designed and then approved by the Government. There are Sediment Control Plans, Stormwater Control Plans, and various others that need to be economically designed. Thus here is the first need for someone that knows what’s going on, and represents you and your best interests.
Allowing a Civil Engineer a free hand to design these plans with no supervision could end up costing you big money. Most traditional builders in this area would prefer to stay away from this area of need. Liberty has the experience you will need to supervise this process and keep it real and affordable. Finding the right Civil Engineer for the project is just as important as finding the right Architect.
Traditional Builders Don’t Do Design Work
Most Custom Builders Don’t Know How
There is a big difference between the various types of home builders. Most advertise being custom builders, and they truly are not. Others do not have the experience to actually design an entire project. Any builder who has options to chose from, model homes you can tour, or ‘’standard’’ house plans, is not a true custom builder in our opinion. Most custom builders that are ‘’really custom’’, lack the knowledge or experience to actually design the entire project.
Most of the traditional custom builders in this region are in the business to build houses, not design them, let alone design entire projects. They may have the best intentions, but the fact is that most area builders would prefer to see your blueprints and provide a price based upon these plans. They will introduce you to Architects and Civil Engineers, but they leave you to work directly with these designers and do not have the experience or the desire to manage these designs.
The Project Needs Various Permits
The Permit Process Is Tough
Liberty is with you every step of the entire process. The permit process is tough no matter where the project is located. Here is another example of why you need somebody that is on your side, looking out for your best interests. The procedures and items that are agreed upon with the various permitting agencies are what will be approved and expected of you. There are multiple agencies involved with any permit, and there is no turning back once you agree to certain things, thus its important to get it right the first time.
Finding The Right Suppliers Is Important
How Do You Know If The Pricing Is Fair?
This is where trusting the right builder really comes into play. Most traditional builders use cost estimates or allowances that don’t seem to work out totally, and their contracts cover them legally, so the cost increases come out of your pocket book, not theirs. Finding the right builder that you can trust is the key to any successful custom project.
We are always designing and building multiple projects and this gives us buying power with many suppliers.
The Construction Process
We have The Ultimate Systems
We have been in the business of creating custom projects for many years and we have combined old school values with modern day systems that will serve you well. Our desire to maintain our ‘’Quality Of Life’’ has required us to think outside of the box and create various systems that are adaptable to any clients needs. With many years of experience we understand what works and anything new to us is researched first in detail, as we don’t believe in performing bad workmanship. Anything worth doing is worth doing the right way from the start.
Superior Designs - Higher Quality - Lower Construction Costs
By maintaining a high level of professionalism, everyone knows that we expect a high degree of excellence. Our trades know they are working on higher quality type projects and they are proud to be associated with our success. Everyone from the carpenters, the painters, the flooring experts, they all understand the value of providing excellent craftsmanship and they are eager to show off their skills. We promote a team work attitude and we encourage advice and open thinking from our subcontractors. We also maintain a high level of moral on the job sites and our clients are encouraged to visit as often as possible.